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No android?

No, sorry!

that okay and thanks for answer❤️

Is the game supposed to end for the Jace/Zoe route with it saying I guess I am going to have to get used to this?


Yes, that is the romantic end. There’s also a dramatic end!

hi i just played your game and absolutely love it <3 can i ask if you are going to make merchandises of this game in the future? i would love to buy the character's acrylic standee. :3

We would love to release some physical merch one day, perhaps a limited sale of chibi charms? However, it depends entirely on how much interest there is for them! 

Thank you for enjoying the game, we're flattered you'd be interested in merch. :)

hi! i just got the game and in the middle of playing it. whats the difference between the dramatic ending and the romance ending? are they the equivalent of good and bad endings? i get sad when i read angst so i kinda wanna prepare myself. thanks! hehe

Both are happy ends - the dramatic ones just have more drama in them, while the romantic ones are a bit more focused on romance. Though of course, certain routes just have a bit more drama in them than others in general. 

Hope you have a good time! :)

(5 edits) (+2)(-1)

Just finished binging the game thanks to summer break... I'm rarely the biggest friends-to-lovers enthusiast but my favorite routes were Hazel/Zoe and Adrian/Jace omg.

Also, why did I highkey love the Adrian/Jace dramatic ending!? A lot of the other dramatic endings were hard to read because they were angsty but the Adrian/Jace one gave me all the angst and comfort I wanted and needed LOL (gotta admit that seeing Jace super depressed was satisfying because we already knew Adrian had been pining for years lol so it was nice to see Jace just so affected that he couldn't get out of bed) but I still love the romantic ending too because of the kiss!

If the game does well would you guys consider DLC?


We’re so glad you had fun!! 

A DLC is already in development, set to release later this year. 😁

OH MY GODDDD NO WAY!!! I'm so exciteeeeddd I felt like the epilogues weren't long enough to satisfy my itch of wanting to see everyone as a couple at the end <3

(1 edit) (-1)

I just wanted to ask about if Adrian is still into Jace even on Cameron's route? I was prepared for some potential angst but there didn't seem to be any hints. Not a big deal ofc haha just curious c: Also, really loving the game so far! Adrian's route was so unbearably cute <3 I don't usually buy games but this was well worth it!!


Hi, Jace’s writer here! Adrian has always had a crush on Jace in his childhood.

In Jace's other routes, because I couldn't bear making Adrian sad, this crush has simply fizzled out by the point the story happens. Can't say the same for their relationship in some of Hazel's routes, though! 👀


Does anybody else have the problem of downloading the new version of the game on mac?TT cant seem to update the game on itch io app and when i uninstalled it i cant download the full game anymore..

Hi! I’ve heard some people have issues downloading games through the app, have you tried downloading it directly from the website?

(1 edit)

I also run into the same problem from the app, I'm trying a direct download right now

Edit: It works! At the start Jace still said "Welcome back" and I thought it wouldn't work. All of my settings had been saved from the demo too. But the game continued, I'm excited to play!

Yes it worked when i downloaded it directly from the website! Thanks for the suggestion! 

Hi! Loving the game so far <3. But I have a question, I'm playing on Steam and I came here looking for the Walkthrough (I always play with guides hehe), where can I find it exactly? I don't really use so I don't know where to look at, sorry for the silly question ><

We haven't uploaded it on Steam yet but will do so very soon. I presume you're a KS backer since you're playing on Steam, you're welcome to DM us over there and we can send you the walkthrough! 

Yeah, I'm a KS backer, I will DM you there now! Thank you :) 

(1 edit)

I tried following the Jace/Stephanie walkthrough and no matter what I do I get the Romantic Ending (even if I'm picking the Dramatic Ending choices) and there are three CGs missing in her gallery (I'm assuming there's meant to be a CG in the Romantic Ending because atm their final amusement park date just ends abruptly with a 'Romantic End' text and no CG?)

The last unlocked CG is the ice skating CG, the last 3 are locked.


Hi! As mentioned in our release statement, Stephanie x Jace has 3 CGs that are being added in a patch within the next few weeks (likely before Steam release). This is the only route with this situation, hence why we recommend waiting with their route for the best experience. 

As for the ending, that's a bug that's being fixed in a patch we're uploading tonight. 

We apologize for the inconvenience/confusion!

No problem, take your time :) have been loving the game so far

Any news on the missing CGs? I really liked this route and the whole game in general. Good chemistry between the characters and the dialogues have a nice, natural flow to them. Well done, I'm looking forward to the DLC. 

(4 edits)

Little bug report!

Hazel's little image at the bottom left disappears during the dialogue: "Please don't drown though. I'd hate to loose you so soon."

This is during Zoe's route.

Really loving this so far ^^

(If I discover more things like this, I'll edit this comment to include them <3)


Jace's image disapperaing during Adrian's route:

"He didn't mention me? That's rude, Adrian."

Typo during Jace's inner thoughts:

"I don't own him. I don't have the right to demand for him to stay by my side at all times, not matter how I feel about him." (should be "no" instead of "not")

Jace's image gone during Cameron's route. Dialogue:

"I am" (replying to whether he was admiring Cameron's face.)

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

It's obvious already feels bad enough -> It's obvious she already feels bad enough

early in the Stephanie route when playing as Hazel

Thanks for the report!

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried to get the hazel x zoe romantic ending even with the walkthrough, but i can't still get it?

We're looking into this right now and will try to resolve it asap!


We’ve contacted itch support to try and figure out why some people are unable to claim a Steam key alongside the purchase.

We also just want to be clear: The only ones with early access to the Steam ver are our Kickstarter backers. Even if you claim a key now, you won’t be able to play until July 14 on Steam. 

Deleted 219 days ago

We’re afraid not! But it can take some time to get a response from support. We’re still not sure why some people are having difficulties claiming a key, as it looks like several others have been able to. 

Perhaps someone who has managed to claim a key might be able to advice? As far as we know though, you should just be able to claim it from the download / purchase screen so we’re not sure why it does not work. 

Hey, so I finished the Jace and Adrian route (Romantic end), how do we get the epilogue? Nothing happens when I click the thingy in the extra stories

Hi! You have to complete both endings to unlock the epilogue. 

I see, that’s what I thought

(1 edit)

Did Zoe and Stephanie's routes with Hazel and really enjoyed them.💜 I believe I got the dramatic end for the former and the romantic end for the latter? Vague spoilers in case.





Not really sure for Steph because nothing directly told me unlike Zoe since hers flat out said Dramatic End, but I still kinda felt like Steph's had some drama lol.

Seems like there's more to unlock still. I have the other routes but I'm already starved for more haha. Thought it might just be a silly game but I was surprised by the depth their stories offered.

We're so happy you had a good time playing! ❤️

We're working on making the ending screens longer in the final version so people don't accidentally skip them! It'll be fixed in a future update.

The Stephanie x Hazel Dramatic ending has the sunset CG. So if you got that one, that's the ending you got! 

Having some trouble with the mac download—I either get a message saying the download failed because its forbidden, or getting a message that the server failed.

(1 edit)

Is it saying that here on itch? If it's a server issue, you may have to contact itch support directly as we do not have control over that.

Re: the forbidden message, we are not sure what would be causing that. Is the message popping up on your actual computer or on the page when you try to click download? 

It's on my actual computer!  I right clicked the failed download, opened up my download queue and right clicked the error to get the document tree—it says expired token/invalid argument. Do you have a support email? Would love to send screenshots

You can send it to us on and we will try our best to help you :)

Why did the art style change? Original Cameron looks way better compared to the new art for Cameron

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't think the artstyle changed?? it just got shaded compared to the pure flat colors it had before (which was because sprites weren't finished)

If you mean the CGs, we have always had separate CG artists (since the Kickstarter, as you can see with the key art) from the main sprite style. If you mean the sprites, as Ducksrock mentioned, it's the same sprite style - the characters are simply shaded now. 

(5 edits)

Hey guys! I've been playing and I've finished Adrian's route, now I'm playing Cam's route. I just wanted to report a bug: the pagination in Cam's CG gallery isn't working and instead, it just shows all 10 CGs in one page so they go outside the boundaries of the UI (and the ones on the edges even get cut out a little). There are "Previous" and "Next" buttons which makes me think pagination was supposed to fix that visual glitch.

I can send you guys a screenshot of the bug but I don't want to post it here because people might get spoiled on the CGs!

EDIT: I figured I can post an imgur link so that way the image won't show in the comments and no one gets spoiled. Here's the image of what Cam's gallery looks like--the miniatures spill out of the frame

Noted, thank you! :)

If you catch anything else you want to report, you’re welcome to contact us at 


So excited to play the rest of the routes! Can't get the Romantic ending for Hazel+Zoe tho :( even following the guide exactly, I still got the Dramatic one!

We're looking into this right now and will try to resolve it asap!


So nice to finally play! Can't wait to dig in. Had this preordered ages ago.

We hope you enjoy!!

will there ever be a walkthrough for the game ? i'm having a really hard time getting any of the romantic endings :(


We’re posting a walkthrough later tonight, in a few hours!

The walkthrough should be available now, hope it helps!


Can't wait to get my key from the kickstarter! This game looked like it was gonna be so, so much fun!

We’re working on sending out the last keys as we speak, so you should hopefully receive yours within the next couple of hours! 💪


yayyy i immediately bought the game, going to play right now~


quickly downloads

Finally after two years-






I am dying to play this game, but I need to know: will the steam version include achievements and such?
Keep up with the amazing work~! 


No, at the moment achievements aren't planned for Steam!

Got it, thank you! ^^


Just curious, now that we know the Steam release comes like 2 weeks later, can we get a Steam key if we buy the game on itch? 🤔

Deleted 219 days ago

Just making sure you see our reply too: Yes, you can request a Steam key alongside your purchase. 😁

Hello! Just wanted to know how we would do this? I'm really excited for this game!

You should be able to claim a key from the download page. I am not sure if it’s available until the game is released later today. 


ok i just preordered it i didn't see where i request the steam key did i mess something up?

You should be able to claim a key from the download page! I am not sure if it’s available until the game is released later today. 

i just checked and it just says download nothing about steam anywhere or am i missing it


Apologies for the delayed response, we had to double check this. Yes, you can! 


So excited to play homie that kisses you goodnight

Hello, I tried Adrian's beta and was wondering will the final product include additions to the story?


Hi! Yes, it’s going to include epilogues (unlocked after playing both endings). We’ll also have made some minor edits and improvements to the script. 


Can you make the android version TvT im really want to play this game TvT


We're posting an update on the project's current status around mid/late December! As always, thanks for everyone's patience. <3

if I preorder the game on itchio is it possible to get a steam key as well? @devs


For now, no. If you want the game on Steam, we reccomend waiting until it’s officially released on there :)


Been waiting for I think over a year for this! I’m looking forward to this still ^^ I’d go to the patreon but I currently can’t do any subscriptions (^^;) It’s nice there’s updates :) GL with the release!! I understand stuff like this can take a while especially with personal lives happening :) Super excited! :D


Do you play as both protagonists or do you get to pick?


You pick which one you wish to play as. You can romance all four love interests as both protagonists, which means there's eight routes in total.

Thank you :)


oh, the ironic beauty if we could get it before Christmas eve since you know...the bet hahaha but on a serious note, take your time and it is so worth the wait even if it releases after that, I'm so excited!! <3  

hi, any updates on when it will be released, thanks.



As mentioned in the Cameron Beta update post, Stephanie's Beta is being released this month which is the final big beta update! Once that's out, we're going to sit back and examine what's left to do/polish in the game before deciding on a release date. We'll post an update, with more news, when the Stephanie Beta is released.

Miss the old art style


Hi! ... Not sure which art style you mean? We've had the same sprite artist since the KS demo.

I just saw some of the art looked different on the steam page for the cgs. 


Oh, I see! We have two different CG artists on the game, that would be why. You’ll get to see both styles in-game though!


I've just tried the Adrian and Cameron's beta. It's SUPER FUNN! Definitely exceed my expectations (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)! Highly recommend this and everyone, seriously, don't hesitate cause it's WORTH it! 


We hope you’ll enjoy the final game just as much, thank you! ❤️



Any plans on android and consoles?

Currently, no. We may consider it in the future though.


Just played Cameron's Beta, was so fun and I'm so excited for the full release!!!!

We’re so happy you had fun playing :)

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